eMHIC Submission: Practice Template
This template is provided for your convenience. It is not the submission form.
This page will assist you to prepare suitable answers before logging into the submission portal. Please do not email your submission information to us. You must use the online submission form, via the sign in or sign up links, at the bottom of the submission home page.
The submission portal will ask you to complete the fields below, plus additional contact information. We recommend that you prepare your answers to these submission questions before you login to the submission portal.
- Presentation Title (maximum of 20 words)
- Why should we select your presentation for the Congress? What is compelling, new or relevant about your presentation? Maximum of 50 words
- Outline of presentation You may mention product, service, organization brand names and other background information of relevance. It is useful for the reviewers to have context. The reviews are not double-blind. Maximum of 500 words.
- Topic tracks - You will be asked to select one preferred track, and additional tracks tracks as alternatives. eMHIC reserves the right to make the final decision on which track an accepted presentation is allocated into. View the list of topic tracks on the submission home page.
- Speaker name(s) - You will be asked for speaker name, job title, organization, email address. There are a maximum of two speakers for a lectern presentation submission, and a maximum of one speaker for other presentation types.
- Presentation types - You will be asked to nominate the presentation types you are able to accept. You can select more than one option. The options include:
- Standard Lectern Presentation (10 minutes with slides + 5 minute solo Q&A)
- Lightning Lectern Presentation (5 minutes with slides + 15 minute group Q&A)
- Discussion Panel (5 minute speech without slides + 15 minute discussion panel)
The submission deadline is midnight (EST) 14 May 2025.
Speakers will be notified of their submission acceptance status via email on 30 June 2025.
Please read the FAQ page or email kim@emhicglobal.com